B2E November 2020 Newsletter
With the recent announcement of the second national lockdown, we hope that everyone in the B2E Community continues to keep well.
It is Business As Usual for the team here as we provide ongoing support to our clients and consultants, as well as continuing our schedule of events via our Wednesday Webinar programme and our CV Review sessions. In this monthly edition, take a look at our Development & Coaching and Organisation Design Service Offerings and meet our B2E Principals in these areas – Simon Rickman and Ian Busby.
We also have three very interesting free webinars taking place in November which you can now sign up for: Leadership Behaviours to Deliver Successfully in the ‘New Norm’, Leading the Agile Organisation and Graph Databases – The Key is in the Relationship. And finally, don’t forget to update your details with us and review our latest consulting opportunities.
Service Offering – Development & Coaching
B2E Principal Simon Rickman explains how more than ever, businesses need to find the positive leaders of the future, and find ways to motivate their employees in order to keep ahead of the competition.
He describes how a healthy development and coaching programme becomes a critical component of a successful business.
Service Offering – Organisation Design
B2E Principal Ian Busby explains how we work with our clients to develop practical and achievable design solutions that resolve performance challenges : from organisation-wide scale, through to optimising the performance of specific functions and operating divisions; to meet changing market requirements.

Update your Consulting Profile
Take the opportunity to review the consulting profile you have registered with us and to update your latest details. We may have an old copy of your profile which does not reflect your recent projects and achievements.
Tell us what types of opportunities you are looking for next, when you are coming free, or even set up an automated search agent.
Looking Ahead to December Events….
We have two further events running in December before Christmas:
CV Peer Review: 2nd December: Hugh Abbott will facilitate a group of peers to review to what extent your CV is ‘fit for purpose’. Is your CV selling you properly? Come and find out!
Wednesday Webinar: I Wish I Had Thought of That: 9th December
Jonathan Spence will share his thoughts on how you can grow a business, even in today’s Covid dominated environment. Sign up to attend this free zoom webinar.