B2E September 2021 Newsletter
Welcome back after the summer holidays! We hope our B2E Consulting community members managed to take a break to enjoy their time with friends and family.
In this month’s edition take a look at our Data Protection and Business Strategy Development & Execution Service Offerings and meet the B2E Principals responsible for these areas.
This time of year also provides the perfect opportunity to update your details with us, so that we can continue to contact you about relevant opportunities. It’s an easy process to log in and re-set your password / update your profile.
And finally do review our latest consulting opportunities.
Data Protection

Meet our B2E Data Protection lead principals Steve Kenny and Giampiero Nanni who explain how Data Protection Services can help businesses confidently manage their privacy risks, improving trust with customers and regulators at lower costs.
Business Strategy Development & Execution

B2E Principal Chris Fox explains how B2E Consulting places strong emphasis on evidence-based future-oriented and results-driven Business Strategy Development & Execution delivered through compelling narratives and with strong stakeholder engagement.
IIM Report 2021

Thank you to everyone who completed the recent IIM survey prior to the summer. B2E Consulting were delighted to once again be placed in the Platinum Tier of interim providers. The full report has now been published and provides an interesting read on the marketplace, assignment types and different providers, as well as the impacts of Covid and IR35.

Looking For A New Opportunity Now?
Update Your Profile
Please do take the time to send through a latest copy of your CV and tell us when you are next coming free. You can either log in to the B2E portal here. Or directly email us an updated profile and availability using the button below.