Understanding how B2E will pay you
Working PAYE through B2E
Understanding your payslip
Understanding your take home pay

Understanding how B2E will pay you:

How will I record my time

  • We will set you up on our time reporting system, which is very easy to use
  • At the end of each month, you will record the days you have worked and use the system to send them for approval

How are expenses dealt with?

  • You can also submit your expenses through the timesheet portal. All expenses will need to be approved in advance in accordance with the relevant Expenses Policy
  • Expenses are paid separately to payroll, so you will not have tax and NI etc deducted from them

When do I get paid?

  • At the end of each month, you will submit your timesheets. You will then be paid at the end of the following month
  • This means that for days worked in January, you will be paid at the end of February

Can I take Holiday during the assignment?

  • Any holiday will need to be agreed with your client directly
  • If your contract is very short (eg 3 months) it is likely that your client will assume that you will be working throughout, unless agreed up front (it is helpful to let us know of any holiday that you have planned so that we can discuss it with the client)
  • For a longer term contract, your client will understand that you will need to take holiday at some stage
  • Many clients are closed over Public Holidays, so it is likely that you will not be expected to work on those days (note that you will not be paid for any days you don’t work)

Are there other benefits such a car allowance, life insurance or

  • No, this isn’t something we can offer

Working PAYE Through B2E:

Can you pay my PSC?

  • If the contract is offered as a PAYE contract, this must be with an individual rather than a Ltd company
  • This means we pay your personal bank account, rather than your PSC bank account

What should I do with my PSC?

  • This depends on your personal circumstances. If you think there are likely to be other opportunities in the near future where you will be using it, then you can make it ‘Dormant’ until then – or you can close it down
  • Your accountant will be able to advise on this

What tax information do you need from my PSC or previous employer?

  • We will need a P45 with your tax code
  • If you don’t have a P45, you can complete a Starter Checklist (which B2E will provide) instead

How do I generate a P45?

  • You can ask your previous employer (or Umbrella company) to provide you with a P45
  • If you have been working through a PSC, your accountant will be able to generate this for you

Do I need professional indemnity insurance if I am working PAYE through B2E then placed at the client?

  • No, you will not need this type of insurance – it is covered by B2E

Can I opt out of pension contributions?

  • Yes you can – you will automatically be opted in initially, but you can then opt out, and the Employees’ pension contribution will no longer be deducted from your salary
  • It is then up to you whether or not you put it into a pension plan

Can you pay into my private pension?

  • No, this isn’t something we can offer

Can I increase my pension contributions via salary sacrifice?

  • No, this isn’t something we can offer
  • If you want to increase your pension contributions, you can manage this directly with People’s Pension, but it will not be taken from your Gross salary

Will you be my named employer for mortgage / loan application eg if I have to refinance during this time?

  • Yes

Who provides me with technical equipment (eg laptop)?

  • The end client will provide this, as needed

Will you provide a B2E email?

  • No, not as standard
  • This can be arranged if this is something that you specifically need

    Will I be paid for holidays?

    • The annual holiday entitlement for a full-time, full year assignment is 33 days (including bank/public holidays). Your entitlement will be pro-rated to reflect the time you are engaged on your assignment, e.g. if you work an 8 hour day, you will accrue 0.145 days of holiday, and if you work half a day you will accrue 0.073 days of holiday.
    • B2E pays you for your holiday entitlement at the end of each month as it accrues, rather than holding it until you choose to use it. It will be marked separately on your payslip.
    • This means that you will only be paid for any days you work – if you take any days holiday (including public/bank holidays), you will not complete a timesheet for those days and won’t be paid for them

    What happens if the client wants a furlough period?

    • If the client wanted to have a furlough period this would be a period that would be unpaid

    Understanding your payslip:

    What does Base Pay mean?

    • The Base Pay on your payslip, is your Base Daily Rate multiplied by the number of days you have worked that month.  B2E has already deducted Employers NI and Employers Pension contributions before calculating this rate.

    What does Holiday Pay mean?

    • The Holiday Pay on your payslip, is your Holiday Pay (14.54% of your Base Daily Rate) multiplied by the number of days you have worked that month.

    What does Total Payments mean?

    • The Total Payments on your payslip is your gross pay for that month (i.e. pay before statutory deductions).
    • It is your Base Pay for that month, plus your Holiday Pay for any holiday accrued that month.  It is also equal to your Gross Daily Rate (GDR) multiplied by the number of days you have worked that month.
    • For example, if you work 21 days in a month, the Total Payments on your payslip will be your GDR x 21
    • From this amount, you will need to pay PAYE, Employees NI and Employees pension contribution.  These are labelled as Deductions on your payslip

    How is Employers NI & Employers Pension Contribution paid? And by who?

    • B2E pays these charges directly, in the same way that any employer does. They are completely outside of any discussions around your salary or GDR; you don’t have to consider them
    • An annual summary of Employers NI that has been paid appears on your payslip
    • You do not need to pay these out of your GDR/Salary

    How do I pay my tax, Employees NI and Employees pension contribution?

    • B2E will manage this for you, and will deduct them at source from your gross pay
    • This means that the correct net amount will be paid (after deductions) into your bank account each month
    • You will see the details of all deductions on your payslip

    Will I get paid for holidays?

    • The annual holiday entitlement for a full-time, full year assignment is 33 days (including bank/public holidays). Your entitlement will be pro-rated to reflect the time you are engaged on your assignment, e.g. if you work an 8 hour day, you will accrue 0.145 days of holiday, and if you work half a day you will accrue 0.073 days of holiday.
    • B2E pays you for your holiday entitlement at the end of each month as it accrues.  It will be marked separately on your payslip.
    • This means that you will only be paid for any days you work – if you take any days holiday (including public/bank holidays), you will not complete a timesheet for those days and you won’t be paid for them

    Will I get paid for sick leave or SMP/SPP?

    • Yes, if you meet the requirements, (eg length of service) B2E will pay all statutory payments

    Does B2E charge for PAYE?

    • Unlike Umbrella companies, B2E will not charge you for managing your PAYE

    Please clarify the Pension Contribution amount?

    • B2E are only obliged to auto enrol consultants for qualifying earnings. For the current tax year this is up to £50,000
    • There is a tax free allowance of £6,136, hence the pension contributions are worked out on the qualifying earnings of £43,864
    • This means that the 5% Employees Contribution is £2,193.20 (annually), and the 3% Employers Contribution is £1,315.92 (annually).  This is divided by 12 to give a monthly amount.

    Understanding your take home pay:

    How much will I get in my pay packet?

    • The absolute amount depends on your personal tax code
    • We strongly encourage all our consultants to use the HMRC calculator to understand their pay and tax. This tool enables you to enter your Gross Salary (on a daily, monthly or annual basis) and your personal tax code and it will calculate the NI and PAYE tax that will be deducted