Open Banking & FinTech Services Overview
January 2018 saw the introduction of Payment Services Directive 2 (PSD2) in the UK, which is often also referred to as “Open Banking”. This allows consumers to choose to share bank information with third parties including ‘merchants’ (like Amazon for instance). This would avoid the need to use a credit/debit card or PayPal.
Having been involved in a number of FinTechs and start-ups B2E Consulting is well placed to advise clients on how to identify, explore and exploit the potential business opportunities. Indeed we even have our own inhouse FinTech in the Benefits Administration space – our sister company B2E Technologies
Open Banking & FinTech Services Overview
January 2018 saw the introduction of Payment Services Directive 2 (PSD2) in the UK, which is often also referred to as “Open Banking”. This allows consumers to choose to share bank information with third parties including ‘merchants’ (like Amazon for instance). This would avoid the need to use a credit/debit card or PayPal.
Having been involved in a number of FinTechs and start-ups B2E Consulting is well placed to advise clients on how to identify, explore and exploit the potential business opportunities. Indeed we even have our own inhouse FinTech in the Benefits Administration space – our sister company B2E Technologies
How will Open Banking & FinTech Services help you?
‘The implementation of PSD2 directive (aka “Open Banking”) from 13 January 2018 will be seen as a watershed, the impact of which was underestimated by many.’
Typical Business Challenge
According to the UK Payments Council, half of the 10 oldest continuously operating banks in the world were founded in the UK starting in the late 1600s. In many ways the service offered by banks has been “the same” ever since: a safe home for deposits, access to loans for those who qualify, payment facilities and reports on one’s account(s). That all changed on 13 January 2018!
The implementation of PSD2 directive (aka “Open Banking”) from 13 January 2018 will be seen as a watershed, the impact of which was underestimated by many. In meetings with senior people responsible for innovation at two of the UK’s top 10 retail banks, both mentioned near identical innovations – a mobile phone application developed by Bank A which would allow consumers to seamlessly transfer funds to and from accounts held at other banks. Whilst this is a moderate improvement for those consumers with multiple current accounts, it is trivial convenience compared to the changes which will be seen.
‘The implementation of PSD2 directive (aka “Open Banking”) from 13 January 2018 will be seen as a watershed, the impact of which was underestimated by many.’
How will Open Banking & FinTech Services help you?
Typical Business Challenge
According to the UK Payments Council, half of the 10 oldest continuously operating banks in the world were founded in the UK starting in the late 1600s. In many ways the service offered by banks has been “the same” ever since: a safe home for deposits, access to loans for those who qualify, payment facilities and reports on one’s account(s). That all changed on 13 January 2018!
The implementation of PSD2 directive (aka “Open Banking”) from 13 January 2018 will be seen as a watershed, the impact of which was underestimated by many. In meetings with senior people responsible for innovation at two of the UK’s top 10 retail banks, both mentioned near identical innovations – a mobile phone application developed by Bank A which would allow consumers to seamlessly transfer funds to and from accounts held at other banks. Whilst this is a moderate improvement for those consumers with multiple current accounts, it is trivial convenience compared to the changes which will be seen.
Why B2E?
B2E Consulting and our community offer to help existing financial institutions and start-ups identify and explore more ambitious business opportunities e.g. using bank data and open APIs to: validate the identity of individuals online, verify Consumer’s income levels instantly, exploit Machine Learning, enhance traditional methods of assessing credit worthiness, use Big Data Analytics, deploy predictive analytics, become compliance and licensed by the FCA.
Service Offerings at B2E Consulting are supported by our community of over 20,000 high calibre, expert consultants, many with FinTech experience.
Our scale means that we are able to build teams of genuine experts, usually with more than 10 years relevant experience, to help support client initiatives and ensure we fully understand the client’s goals, content and context. We partner closely with the client to ensure we deliver quality solutions and value for money.
Working with B2E’s Open Banking & FinTech Services Principals
Alan Greenwood is also a B2E Principal focused on Open Banking and FinTechs. He has over 30 years of experience in Financial Services with a successful track record in starting-up and delivering projects for Financial Services clients, including design and implementation of target operating models, new product implementation and initiatives to grow and transform businesses.
Working with B2E’s Open Banking & FinTech Services Principals

Alan Greenwood is also a B2E Principal focused on Open Banking and FinTechs. He has over 30 years of experience in Financial Services with a successful track record in starting-up and delivering projects for Financial Services clients, including design and implementation of target operating models, new product implementation and initiatives to grow and transform businesses.